Sunday, September 14, 2008

Cute Find!

Isn't this cute? I have been eyeballing it at Costco for a couple of months but didn't want to spend the money. Addy just got a big girl bed and kind of has a hodge podge of furniture. I'm kind of undecided on what direction to go with her room. Anyway, I was in Costco yesterday and saw they had two left and had marked them down pretty significantly but I decided not to get it. Of course all night I was kicking myself and went today and picked it up! What a sight I was trying to load this in my car, it was a bigger box than I had remembered! LOL Its very cute and Addy loves it! The bin is perfect for storing her dolls and and then we'll put her books on the shelves which means I can eliminate two baskets from her closet and give her more space!

What I'm thinking for her room is a white chair rail around the room and do a light shade of pink on the top and then a stripe pattern on the bottom with the same pink and a shade or two of a darker pink. We did stripes in Meghan's room in our last house and it was my favorite! Brent's really good at it thank goodness! :) I am looking for a antique looking white headboard for her too-kind of shabby chic. Now all we need are time and paint!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


We love smoothies in our house! My kids are fruit fiends but not neccessarily fans of veggies so I stuff as many as I can in smoothies! My favorite is banana, pineapple (thank you Costco for your cheap pineapples!) and strawberry! I throw as much spinach in as I can squeeze and some cooked carrots! My kids suck it up and let's be honest, I can always use more veggies as well! I just picked some fresh blackberries from the empty lot next door and froze a bunch for future smoothies!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

A few more cute Summer pics!

My 31st birthday
At the zoo!

You wouldn't believe how many books this girl has read this summer!


Yes I'm a slacker so far when it comes to blogging, life seems so boring at times! Who wants to read that? LOL Oh well! This summer has been great-only 3 weeks left and I will have a 2nd grader and a Kindergartner. And of course a PreK-er! Sadly for me Gavin only wants to go half day for now and Addy's going to afternoon preschool so life will be pretty much the same for me! That's OK-time flies with them and I want to enjoy every moment I can while I can! Addy assures me she will leave her kitty with me to keep me company while she is gone. :)

We've moved closer into town-a half mile from school, church etc and so far its WONDERFUL! The past 3 years have taught me you can take a girl out of a city but can't take the city out of the girl and that so applies to me! I love it here, small town and all but I don't like being secluded and that's how I felt in our last house. In our new home we live in a new neighborhood surrounded buy other established neighborhoods and I love to hear the hustle and bustle of cars driving by, people walking their dogs and believe it or not, even the construction workers during the day! Most people think I'm crazy but its just ME!

For now we have a small view of the mountains, we have had some amazing sunsets!
Our summer started out totally consumed with closing on our old house and new house at the same time (never again-what were we thinking?!) and moving. Thankfully it went so smoothly-God really had His hand in the whole process which only reconfirmed we were making a good move. Gavin and Addy have been going to little week long morning camps at the rec center-they love them! Meghan is going to her 2nd week of camp tomorrow that her 1st grade teacher is doing. Its Creative Arts week which is right up her alley and it will be good for her to do something that doesn't involve being entertained by me! :) Boy can that girl talk ALL DAY LONG! LOL
We also spent a weekend in Oregon celebrating my Grandma's 90th birthday! It was such a blast seeing my cousins, everyone is all grown up which is WEIRD! The kids had so much fun and it was just the break we needed from the moving chaos. My sisters also went so we were able to visit with them some which we love. My parents also came here in July for my 31st birthday so we've made the rounds with the fam (except for Nate).
So that's the summer in a nutshell-that wasn't so hard afterall!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

12 Years!!

Brent and I will celebrate our 12th anniversary tomorrow-well technically in about an hour! I don't feel old enough to have been married for 12 years but when I think back to all that we've done, seen and been through-that's about right! We celebrated tonight (you have to take the babysitter when you can get her and Sundays are crazy anyway) and went to dinner and a movie. It was fun and I documented the evening with a self portrait which Brent hates but he humors me and provides goofy grins!
I think I can truly say that I love him more today than when we were first married. I cherish the memories of our first condo together, moving to San Jose for college, both of us working so hard to get through college, having Meghan, moving again, have Gavin, moving get the idea! We've had so much fun together and because we were so young we really did grow up together. I can't imagine going through all the things we experienced alone or with anyone else!
And to my sister who was gracious enough to share her birthday with our wedding day-HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We love you so much! :)

Monday, March 31, 2008

Up, Close and Personal with Meghan

I shamelessly stole this from someone else's blog...I knew Meghan would get a kick out of it. Maybe I'll do Gavin and Addy soon too...

What's your favorite thing to do? Read and write

What's your favorite movie? Any Veggie Tale Movie

If you could paint your room any color, what color would it be? Yellow (which its NOT!)

What do you want to be when you grow up? A writer

Who's your favorite person? Miss Duchemin (her 1st grade teacher)

If you could be called by any name, what would you be called? Mimi (this is her nickname she always called herself when she was 1 and 2 yo. It still creeps in sometimes and we use it :)).

Who's your favorite character in the Bible? Jesus

If you had $5 what would you buy? Make Up

What's your favorite thing to eat? Hard boiled eggs

What's your favorite dessert? Butterfingers (I don't remember her having one but she says she has!)

Who's your favorite person to play with? Addy

What's your favorite game to play? Hide and Go Seek

What's the best kind of cereal ever? Cherrios

If you could go anywhere today, where would you go? California

What's your favorite Bible verse? John 3:16 (and she knows it too!)

Thursday, March 6, 2008

So much for 60...

So this morning I went through my usual 7am ritual of checking for current weather temps (to see if I will be encountering any ice on my way taking Meghan to school-yes I've become quite paranoid these days!) and what do I see? A high of 60 degrees we should reach today with even a little sun! Boy, did that brighten my day! After taking Gavin to speech and running to Target, we came home with not a ray of sunshine to be seen and still about 45 or so! Being the optimistic person I am, I was planning the afternoon outside, doing a little work in the yard, inspecting my plants for any flowers, pulling weeds and letting the kids ride bikes and scooter around! The usual spring activities. I even left the garage door open in anticipation...

Well needless to say, it never hit 60 and it was cloudy ALL day! What a dissapointment, I'm so glad I didn't mention the nice weather to the kids though or I probably would have had to go outside when my heart wasn't in it anymore. I need some sun people!! In my mind I am seriously craving the warmth and heat of the bahamas, the beaches of Mexico, I'd probably go anywhere if it was hot-its really bad. My mom is in Alaska right now and was happy the temps were at 40 so I guess I should consider myself fortunate in comparison. :)